10 Guidelines to Make Location Independence a Successful Lifestyle

Wouldn’t you trade your current lifestyle for Location Independence?

Talk about an atypical way of experiencing life. This is clearly one of the most clear-cut opportunities to ditch the norm and redefine the very meaning of home.

My best guess is that you have considered it a possible option to live life on your own terms, but also determined it not being a lifestyle that is long-lived.

Could you be wrong?

You see, there is an Art, a Method to everything and living Location Independence is not an exception to the rule.

This lifestyle defies so many aspects of our current social construct. What about safety, stability, comfort, routines, deep relationships building? Would you be endlessly relocating from one location to another solely based on impulse?

Essentially, this remains a very personal choice which must align with your perception of what is important in life and what a life well lived means to you.

In a nutshell, Location Independence is a shot at creating your life in such a way that you can be where you feel at your best. Though what is not spoken enough about is the amount of compromising, keeping an equilibrium between sustainability, joy, logistics, affordability, goal attainment.

Let’s look into the 10 guidelines to create a successful location independence lifestyle that will last.

1 – Vacation Vs. Lifestyle

Quit behaving like it is a short-lived undertaking.

One of the biggest mistakes is to approach full-time traveling like you would a vacation. Seeking the best locations with all amenities to fulfill your most lavish desires. “Let’s make sure it has a pool, a gym, a king size bed and breakfast included”.

If you can afford it, so be it. For most of us, a trip like this may represent the travel budget for your entire year…this is not sustainable.

Traveling must be budgeted strategically and there must be a clear understanding of what the minimum viable and acceptable conditions of living are for you. Filter your search based on that and identify when your budget allows for more comfort.

This is long-lasting and it must be built with purpose, patience and practice.

2 – Possessions Vs. Experiences

Location Independence requires letting go of material attachment and growing through experiences.

You want to exist beyond what you own, learn to give and get in energy not in things.

In any case, you cannot carry much, and if you do, your things will quickly become a burden on your back everywhere you settle in your journey.

This is a new pursuit of life experiences where a new pair of shoes might end up being a last-minute bus ticket for the next big city that you just found out was offering the best hiking trails giving the most sensational views of the country.

3 – Money Mindset

A lot of us have created those limitations for ourselves holding that we can only stretch as far as our money can.

In other words, if the budget is not there, we close our eyes on the very thing not thinking about any other ways to attract it in our life.

We exchange money to belong, be liked. We assess what our neighbors, friend circles are doing and try to match or exceed to feel relevant, successful or maintain that sense of connection. You know…buy that new pair of leggings coz Suzie and Lynda got one of those…

Location Independence is rather exchanging money for more freedom, independence and to exist uniquely because you have less opportunities to connect and be influenced by “the norm”. You spend more time on your own, discovering what the heck you even like.

You seek your very own ways to become part of the various communities you encounter, contribute in ways that makes an impact and make you memorable to these tribes.

Your spending habits become more intentional and “higher purpose” rooted, to feel you left a mark in your very own way.

4 – Routines & Rituals Redesign

Until now, what you have been accustomed to revolves around the same places, same people, same resources, slowly evolving needs and a relatively foreseeable scope of obstacles you may encounter along the way. Those are the basis of your current routine and practices.

In embracing a more mobile lifestyle, a big switch is required. Each location comes with different set of needs, different sets of resources to meet those needs.

This is like learning new ways to live life each time. It is teasing your ability to adapt, your awareness, resourcefulness and appreciation of what “wealth” means in each destination.

From that, your routines and rituals may call for adjustments. Your responsibility is to understand which of your practices are non-negotiable and ensure elements like your wellbeing is kept an essential focus. Anything less substantial, can be redesigned based on your current environment.

5 – Intentionality in Relationships

The sole truth is out of sight out of mind.

You left people behind in your decision to pursue more meaningful ways to live. And not everyone will take it cheerfully with wisdom and empathy. Some will gather crumbs of resentment toward you and some won’t know what you are up to and tend to count you out not to interfere with your beautiful endeavor. “I am sure she is too busy”.

To be blunt, people will not reach out to you anymore, at least not as often as you would like to. I mean your mom will probably blast your phone more than you want to.

You must have a brand-new perception of what maintaining & nurturing relationships is. Be willing to go the extra mile to keep solid bonds.

Scheduling blocks of time on your calendar to reach out to family and friends left home is one sure way to keep you on track and stay informed of each other’s milestones.

Make this a must and the ones who truly want you in their life will do just as much.

6 – Travel goals Vs. Life Goals

While mesmerized by the beauty of the world, you also need to focus on reaching milestones. Shit gotta get done.

This is not a sabbatical, this is not a midlife crisis, this is your life and how you are choosing to run it for the long haul. This means mastering how to combine your pleasure of adventure and discovery with the laser focused work to get your goals moving forward.

It is not any different than a sedentary life in that you should juggle between immediate rewards versus delayed gratification, just different ways of entertaining the two.

Make time to hone on your ambition, your direction in life. Don’t create another rat race in which you were distracted pursuing shiny objects.

7 – Sandy beaches Vs. Bedbugs

In theory, Location Independence feels like paradise.

I mean you have seen many digital nomads having the time of their life, being where they choose to be, in such beautiful sceneries. Pictures on social media do an excellent job to drive that message.

You do not see as many pictures of a digital nomad however, working on the floor because all they could rent for that month is a very tiny space in someone’s studio until they land their next client.

You also constantly move around, you are packing regularly, your suitcases break, get lost. Your visa gets denied, you credit card gets scammed. Your room may have unsolicited little friends crawling around.

Those times press you to lay low and remember why you started this journey in the first place.

Setting attractive standard of living for yourself may take some time and require effective management of your resources. For that, it is crucial to build the systems needed to support you and help you thrive day after day and years after years.

 8 – Global Friendship Vs. Loneliness

This lifestyle grants you the opportunities to meet people from all over the world and it is amazing!

You may find that you never interacted with that many great (and let’s count them in, not so great) souls.

Many sound just like you, they have chosen the same path you did, are thirsty of life experiences, wanting to contribute in the best ways possible fighting the misery and feeding the joy of the world.

Though, very often, you feel LONELY, sometimes feel you have never been so lonely. It is your responsibility to create the right support system to keep you away from loneliness and to offer you an avenue for meaningful, honest caring interactions.

Living is not as enriching if there is no one to cheer up and be cheered up by.

9 – Living Fully Vs. Unhealthy Habits

This one is quite contradictory. You are living full, full of experiences with a burning desire to see more, gaining a different knowing of yourself, loving these new perspectives but yet you are unhealthy.

Not working out as much as you should. Mentally drained because of the constant shift and effort to redefine harmony in your travels.

You overwork to ensure this lifestyle does not come to an end. No more work-life separation, no significant other, questionable nutrition, unhealthy habits and a constant guilt about all of it.

Being healthy will only enhance your sensations of fulfillment and Joy. A lack of health though will send you right where you do not want to be, doctor’s office, hospital, your bed. You have better places to be!

Don’t underestimate how much more rewarding your experience can be with a body that functions optimally.

10 – Odd jobs Vs. Purposeful Career

At first, it may be great to take various odd jobs to sustain your new way of living but grinding is fun until it lasts too long.

Over time, you will search for deeper meaning, purpose, higher satisfaction in what you do. When a job sucks it sucks, traveling will not change that fact.

Do the internal work finding what a zone of genius looks like in your shoes. What does that sweet spot feels like to you? Being a full-time traveler, a location independent seeker, a digital nomad, does not mean you cannot have a successful career, a successful business.

It takes intention, effort, resources, creativity and careful planning. As for any other lifestyle, nothing comes easy.

Here you go…

The 10 guidelines to create a successful Location Independence lifestyle. As I always say, our post will not be complete without your input! What is another guideline in your books? Was this helpful? Leave us a comment!


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    • admin

      Hi There,
      Glad you could connect with this post!
      I am not sure I understand your question. What type of recommendation are you looking for? If you could be more specific that would help me respond better.
      Are you looking to become Location Independent?
      Looking forward to hearing from you.

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